The Community
Join the community that helps bridge your spiritual and physical health 365 days a year.
As for Me and My Body helps Christians align their spiritual and physical health through educational tools, our online community, and coaches. We use fundamental wellness principles to help you stop dieting, live healthy, and transform to truly fit.

What Joining will Help You Accomplish
Two is better than one and accountability is golden! Our community will not only help you bridge your spiritual and physical health 365 days a year but it will also provide a safe-haven to celebrate everyone’s wellness journeys. In addition, you will:
1. Strengthen your relationship with Christ
2. Increase your joy, happiness, energy, and hope
3. Stop dieting and live a healthy lifestyle
4. Conquer the health and fitness goals you set for yourself
5. Transform to truly fit!
Community Access (All Levels)

All Subscriptions are Billed Annually
Meet the Coaches that Will Help You Stay on Track
Collectively, we have over 80 years of physical, nutritional, mental, emotional, and spiritual health expertise and experience.

Coach James (JJ)
Mental Health

Coach Candice Physical Health

Coach Michelle
Career and Life

Coach Wes
Spiritual Health